Bible Backdrop
Bible Backdrop sets the stage for scripture. I look at the culture and places around Bible verses and stories to help listeners gain a better understanding of what they're reading.
Podcasting since 2021 • 51 episodes
Bible Backdrop
Latest Episodes
History of Israel: Moses Returns To Egypt
In the latest episode of Bible Backdrop, we continue our series on the History of Israel looking at Moses' return to Egypt. What events led him there? How did he respond to God's calling? Did God really almost kill him? After 40 yea...
Episode 51
History of Israel: The Start of Exodus
Exodus is the story of God redeeming his chosen people, Israel. After settling in Egypt, the people multiply and a nervous Pharaoh starts giving orders to try and stem this exploding population. In this time of death and darkness, a mother has ...
Episode 50
History of Israel: The Big Reveal
This is it...the ultimate moment in the book of Genesis. Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers and we see the fallout from that event. In this episode of Bible Backdrop, Joseph is reunited with his brothers and then, later, with his fa...
Episode 49
History of Israel: Joseph and Benjamin
In Genesis 43 and 44, Joseph sees his older brothers again and now they've brought Benjamin. Joseph is overwhelmed, but tests his brothers to see if they have really changed. How will they react? Also, why didn't the Egyptians eat with the Hebr...
Episode 48
History of Israel: Joseph Meets His Brothers
In today's episode of Bible Backdrop, the famine has hit and Jacob's sons are forced to go to Egypt to buy grain. There they come face to face with the man in charge of selling the grain...the grand vizier...the man second only to Pharaoh. Jose...
Episode 47