Bible Backdrop
Bible Backdrop sets the stage for scripture. I look at the culture and places around Bible verses and stories to help listeners gain a better understanding of what they're reading.
51 episodes
History of Israel: Moses Returns To Egypt
In the latest episode of Bible Backdrop, we continue our series on the History of Israel looking at Moses' return to Egypt. What events led him there? How did he respond to God's calling? Did God really almost kill him? After 40 yea...
Episode 51
History of Israel: The Start of Exodus
Exodus is the story of God redeeming his chosen people, Israel. After settling in Egypt, the people multiply and a nervous Pharaoh starts giving orders to try and stem this exploding population. In this time of death and darkness, a mother has ...
Episode 50
History of Israel: The Big Reveal
This is it...the ultimate moment in the book of Genesis. Joseph finally reveals himself to his brothers and we see the fallout from that event. In this episode of Bible Backdrop, Joseph is reunited with his brothers and then, later, with his fa...
Episode 49
History of Israel: Joseph and Benjamin
In Genesis 43 and 44, Joseph sees his older brothers again and now they've brought Benjamin. Joseph is overwhelmed, but tests his brothers to see if they have really changed. How will they react? Also, why didn't the Egyptians eat with the Hebr...
Episode 48
History of Israel: Joseph Meets His Brothers
In today's episode of Bible Backdrop, the famine has hit and Jacob's sons are forced to go to Egypt to buy grain. There they come face to face with the man in charge of selling the grain...the grand vizier...the man second only to Pharaoh. Jose...
Episode 47
Bible Backdrop Extra: Egypt
We are introduced to the land of Egypt in the Joseph story, but aren't given much context. What was their history, culture and economy like? What did they eat and how did they live? In this Extra episode of Bible Backdrop, we look at this and o...
Episode 46
History of Israel: Joseph in Egypt
In this episode of Bible Backdrop, we pick up again with Joseph. He is sold as a slave to Potiphar and then, through a false accusation, put into prison. However, it's here that he will have contact with Pharaoh and ultimately save both Egypt a...
Episode 45
History of Israel: Joseph and Judah
In this episode of Bible Backdrop, we start the narrative of Joseph and his sale to the Ishmaelites. Then we talk about a side story with Judah and about how that fits into the Joseph narrative. Why was Joseph sold so cheaply? What was Reuben's...
Episode 44
Extra: The Canaanites
The Bible talks often about the Canaanites, especially in the book of Genesis. We get a glimpse of their culture through the stories that are told and in archaeology. What was their economy like? What gods did they worship? Why was it so import...
Episode 43
History of Israel: Jacob - Obedience and Dysfunction
Jacob, the patriarch who's name becomes Israel, has a history of not being fully obedient and running a very dysfunctional family. In this episode of Bible Backdrop, we see Jacob leave Laban, wrestle with God, reunite with Esau, not follow God'...
Episode 42
Bible Backdrop Extra: The Crucifixion
As we prepare for Easter, we often think about Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. But just how horrible was crucifixion? How did it affect the body of the person being crucified? What did Jesus go through before and during his time on the cro...
Episode 41
History of Israel: Isaac, Jacob, and Esau
The story of the birth of Israel continues with Isaac and his twin sons, Jacob and Esau. How did the older son come to serve the younger? How does Jacob live up to his name? Why was Esau rejected for the covenantal blessing? How was Jacob decei...
Episode 40
History of Israel: The Beginning...Abraham
The Bible tells amazing personal stories, but what about the bigger picture? What was Israel's place in the world during Bible times? This episode is the first in the series looking at the history of Israel and it's place in the ancient world. ...
Episode 39
The Feast of Weeks...better known as Shavuot! Or Pentecost...depends on who you ask.
The Feast of Weeks is designated as the third and final pilgrimage festival for Israelites and is described in Leviticus 23. Called Shavuot or Pentecost, it is known as a harvest festival, but becomes the day the church was founded in Acts 2. T...
Episode 38
The Origins of Hanukkah
Merry Christmas everyone! December 8 marks the first day of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights. Most know that this involves lighting a menorah, but what are the origins of this festival? The last episode of Bible Backdrop for 2023 goes in...
Episode 37
The Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread
Passover is one of the best known feasts in the Bible. Most people know the general story behind the Passover, but how was it celebrated in Bible times? This episode of Bible Backdrop looks at the history of Passover along with how the meal was...
Episode 36
The Feast of Booths
We hear about the Feast of Booths, but what exactly was it? Why did God institute this festival in the Jewish religious calendar? On this episode of Bible Backdrop, we look into some of the details on the Feast of Booths including the time of y...
Episode 35
Extra: Symbolism of the Day of Atonement
In the previous episode of Bible Backdrop, we talked about the details surrounding the Day of Atonement. After finishing the episode, there is so much symbolism surrounding this day that it really required an Extra episode. When you look closel...
Episode 34
Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Established by God with detailed instructions to Moses in Leviticus 16, this episode of Bible Backdrop looks at the particulars surrounding that day. What is the meaning of Yom Kippur? Where...
Episode 33
The Trespass Offering and the Guilt Offering
Wrapping up our series on the offerings in Leviticus, the latest episode of Bible Backdrop looks into the Trespass Offering and the Guilt Offering. Each of these had very specific requirements and we go into details on what was included, why it...
Episode 32
The Sin Offering
Continuing our series on the sacrifices in the Old Testament, this episode of Bible Backdrop looks at the Sin Offering. In many ways, it was different from the other offerings and we look into those differences here. God held people to a high s...
Episode 31
The Peace Offering
Leviticus 3 and Leviticus 7 gives instructions to the children of Israel regarding the Peace Offering. What exactly was included in a peace offering? Why did someone bring this kind of offering to God? Who needed to make the offering? In the la...
Episode 30
Extra: The Burnt Offering and the Grain Offering
The burnt offering and the grain offering are both described in Leviticus 1 and 2. Why were these sacrifices significant? What did they mean? In this episode of Bible Backdrop Extra, we go into the deeper meaning behind these sacrifices and the...
Episode 29
Sacrifices in the Old Testament Part 1
In Leviticus, God outlined 5 sacrifices: The burnt offering, the grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering and the peace offering. Each one had a different function and method. In this episode of Bible Backdrop, we'll look at the fir...
Episode 28
Extra: Symbolism of the Tabernacle
Welcome to the first episode of Bible Backdrop Extra! This is a shorter episode where I go a little deeper into an earlier episode. This week, I talk about the symbolism of the Tabernacle and how it points to Jesus. All the implements of worshi...
Episode 27